Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that converts written text into spoken words using artificial intelligence. It allows computers and devices to read text aloud in a natural-sounding voice. This technology is used in various applications to enhance accessibility and improve user experience.
Pyttsx3 Library
The pyttsx3 library of Python converts text into speech. It falls under the domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This involves the use of AI to enable computers to generate spoken language from written text, allowing for human-like interaction between machines and users. It works offline and supports multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Write a program that prompts the user to input a sentence and speaks that sentence.

The script begins by importing the pyttsx3 library, which facilitates text-to-speech functionality. It then prompts the user to input a sentence using input(). The text-to-speech engine is initialized with pyttsx3.init(), preparing it to handle the speech operations. The entered text is passed to the engine with engine.say(text), queuing it for speech synthesis. The engine.runAndWait() method processes and speaks the text aloud, and finally, the engine is stopped with engine.stop().